Updated 02/11/25 at 10:00 am
LATEST NOTICES (est. work schedule):
Starting Monday, February 17, sewer excavation will begin on 400 N, extending from Main Street to 100 E. Crews will also begin work on 300 N at 100 E, progressing eastward to 600 E until the project is complete.
Throughout February, work will continue (300 E to 500 E, between 400 N & 300 N).
Please avoid streets marked "Local Traffic Only" as asphalt has been removed, and parking is prohibited.
Image: Crews Paving as part of Phase 1B-2| 06/11/24
Image: Sewer/Water Excavation near 300 S and Main | 10/16/2024
| Through Feb 14, 2025 |

Construction Phase 1C Detour Map
* Schedule subject to change based on weather and material delivery

Pressurized Irrigation(PI) is anticipated to resume starting mid-April, 2025. Exact dates are determined by the central water conservancy district. As a note, open ditch water typically begins flowing by the first week in May. If you have a new PI pipeline installed as a result of our project, you will need to apply for a permit to gain service. Please fill out a form below and turn it into the Heber Public City Works office @ 749 W 300 S,
Heber City, UT 84032
Construction Phase 1C began on June 10th, 2024, and will continue through the Winter! Work on 200 S, 300 S, and 400 S, between Main St. and 100 E. are now complete. Work also completed along 400 N, however asphalt will remain removed. Asphalt will be restored once moderate temperatures return in the Spring.
As of Friday, December 3, work at the 500 N and 550 E has been completed
Work is underway between 300 and 400 N on 200, 300 and 400 E to install sewer mainline and lateral connections to properties. Pressurized Irrigation lines actively under installation on 400 N. Work ongoing through February. Stay tuned for further details.
The city's water and sewer infrastructure in the Central Heber area has significantly exceeded its service life. As such, necessary improvements essential to maintaining a safe and reliable water/sewer system for residents and businesses. The main focus for Phase 1 of the replacement program includes the East side of Main Street within the Central Heber area, as well as a four block stretch of sewer replacement along 3rd West.
Construction Days / Times
Daylight Hours
Mon - Fri
Sat-Sun (only as necessary)
No holidays
Contact Public Information

Info Hotline: (435) 406-4910
(Press 1 for live assistance)

Water Disconnect Notice(s):
Be prepared for planned water disconnections within active construction zones. You will receive 24-48 hr. notice. Water outages should last from approximately 9am to 6pm.
Landscaping Restoration:

Any outstanding Surface Restoration regarding phase 1B-1 (construction done in late 2023 and early 2024) is currently underway. Full restoration of property surface vegetation along the 300 S trail alignment has been completed. Emergent repairs to irrigation lines will be addressed on request. If you have immediate needs, contact our hotline.

Image: Sewer/Water Rehabilitation near 500 E/500 N | 08/06/2024

Image: Sewer Rehabilitation @ 100 E/100 S | 03/05/2024